Question & Answer

Q: How long will my procedure take?
A: The procedure itself typically takes approximately 20 minutes, however from check-in to discharge you should plan to be with us for about an hour and a half.
Q: How early should I arrive the day of my procedure?
A: Please arrive 20 minutes prior to your scheduled procedure time to complete the necessary paperwork.
Q: Why do I need a driver?
A: We use a mild/moderate sedation to allow you to relax and be comfortable during you procedure. The sedation will stay in your system for approximately 12 hours and you may be a little sleepy during this period.
Q: Why do you require my driver to remain at Virginia Endoscopy during the procedure?
A: In the event of an emergency Virginia Endoscopy will need a person of contact with you. Also, the physician will speak to your driver (unless otherwise specified) to inform them of how the procedure went.
Q: When can I drive?
A: 12 hours following your procedure.
Q: When can I eat?
A: You may eat immediately following your discharge. We recommend that you avoid fried foods and vegetables for your first meal following your procedure.
Q: When may I return to work?
A: You are able to return to work the day following your procedure.
Q: What should I do if I am experiencing severe pain?
A: If you have any questions following your procedure, we welcome you to call your physicians office. If you should experience problems following your procedure and it is after hours, please call 911.
Thank you for choosing Virginia Endoscopy Group.